Common questions that we come across usually start with how do flat fee listing's work?

   How can a flat fee Realtor offer all the same Services as a traditional Realtor without sacrifice and service? To answer these questions I urge you to think about the following. So 30 years ago realtors were charging 5 to 6% and today they are still charging the same amount.

  A lot of people may wonder why aren't things getting more streamlined with the Internet, Zillow, and everything being online. Well, let's think about it when was the last time you picked up a newspaper or the yellow pages to read it? Or do you just go online and find all the news or phone numbers that are important to you?

  Now a days we can sign everything online no need to print off paperwork and drive to your clients house to have them sign the contracts. So there's no more need for expensive ads in the newspaper, or expensive magazine ads. Now realtors can click submit and ad and it will post to over 300 websites like Zillow, and the MLS.

  Sometimes traditional real estate agents try to say that the flat fee or discount brokers do not have enough experience and that is why they are offering a flat fee. There can be nothing further from the truth. So let's think about this now.

  The average Real estate agent has only four listings in a year. Imagine only 4 Real Estate transactions for a whole year to lean from and chalk up as experience.

  As a flat fee real estate agent we see a lot more transactions due to our great value so that fact alone proves we have more experience due to the simple fact that we see more transactions and all of those transactions are different types of deals. Anything from land purchases and sales, condos, multi family, apartment complexes and the list goes on.

  So we always suggest you make sure you look for experience. No matter what there will always be new flat fee agents and traditional Real Estate agents, so make sure you choose wisely the one that best fits your needs.

In the end, make sure you find an agent that is able to offer you value, experience and knowledge.